Should I Cover My Motorhome In Winter?

Published 7 months ago

Why Covering Your Motorhome in Winter is Crucial

When winter approaches, safeguarding your motorhome against the harsh elements becomes a priority. Covering your motorhome can significantly reduce the wear and tear caused by snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. A notable advantage of this preventive measure is the promotion of a winterised motorhome, which can fare better in colder conditions, ensuring the longevity and functionality of your vehicle.

Types of Motorhome Covers for Winter

Selecting the right cover for your motorhome is crucial as it can also aid in winterisation. Various types of covers are available in the market, including:

  • Fabric Covers: Breathable and lightweight, these covers are easy to install and provide basic protection against snow and ice.

  • Plastic Covers: Offering a higher level of waterproofing, plastic covers can keep moisture at bay, albeit at the cost of breathability.

  • Custom-Fit Covers: Tailored to fit your motorhome's dimensions, these covers provide a snug fit, ensuring optimal protection from winter elements.

How to Choose the Right Winter Cover for Your Motorhome

Choosing a durable cover is essential as it can significantly contribute to keeping the motorhome warm. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Material Durability: Opt for materials that can withstand harsh winter conditions without tearing or losing their protective qualities.

  • Size and Fit: Ensure the cover fits snugly over your motorhome to prevent drafts and moisture ingress.

  • Ventilation Features: A good cover should have ventilation openings to prevent condensation and mould growth.

Steps to Properly Cover Your Motorhome for Winter

Covering your motorhome is a part of a larger winterisation process. Here are the steps to ensure a proper cover installation:

  1. Cleaning: Thoroughly clean your motorhome to remove any dirt or debris that could scratch the paint.

  2. Cover Installation: Follow the manufacturer's instructions to install the cover securely.

  3. Securing the Cover: Use tie-downs or straps to ensure the cover stays in place during windy conditions.

Maintaining Your Motorhome Cover Throughout Winter

Regular inspections are essential to ensure that your motorhome remains warm and dry. Check for any signs of damage or wear on the cover and address them promptly to prevent any long-term issues.

Uncovering and Preparing Your Motorhome for Spring

As warmer weather approaches, uncovering and preparing your motorhome for the spring is essential. This step involves reversing the winterisation process to ensure your motorhome is ready for the adventures awaiting in the warmer months. With the right preparations, you can extend the lifespan of your motorhome and enjoy many more seasons on the road.

Read our BIG guide on Winterisation in Motorhomes: A Complete Guide HERE

MShould I Cover My Motorhome In Winter