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attribute icon Condition

Auto Sleeper

attribute icon Berth

Auto Sleeper

attribute icon Seat Belts

Auto Sleeper

attribute icon Engine


Chassis: Chassis:Mercedes | Wheel_base: | External_width: | External_length: | External_height: | MTPLM: | Mass_in_running_order: Mass in Running Order: (B):2 | 980kg | Maximum_user_payload: Maximum User Payload (A-B):520kg | Chassis: Mercedes | Engine: 163bhp | Engine Capacity: 2.2ltr | Berths: 2 | Seat belts : 2 | Vehicle Width: 2.26m | Vehicle Height: 2.90m | Vehicle Length: 6.48m | MTPLM : 3 | Mass in Running Order: (B) | Maximum User Payload : 520kg

The Bourton builds on the popularity of the Stanton to deliver a spacious no compromise front lounge end kitchen model, which delivers on every front. Its huge lounge quickly converts at night to provide a choice between full-length singles or a decadent double bed whilst the Mercedes chassis is renowned for its driving comfort and the optional fully automatic gearbox makes it the perfect base vehicle for a luxuriously specified flagship motorhome range.


attribute icon Condition

Auto Sleeper

attribute icon Berth

Auto Sleeper

attribute icon Seat Belts

Auto Sleeper

attribute icon Engine



Chassis: Chassis:Mercedes | Wheel_base: | External_width: | External_length: | External_height: | MTPLM: | Mass_in_running_order: Mass in Running Order: (B):2 | 980kg | Maximum_user_payload: Maximum User Payload (A-B):520kg | Chassis: Mercedes | Engine: 163bhp | Engine Capacity: 2.2ltr | Berths: 2 | Seat belts : 2 | Vehicle Width: 2.26m | Vehicle Height: 2.90m | Vehicle Length: 6.48m | MTPLM : 3 | Mass in Running Order: (B) | Maximum User Payload : 520kg

The Bourton builds on the popularity of the Stanton to deliver a spacious no compromise front lounge end kitchen model, which delivers on every front. Its huge lounge quickly converts at night to provide a choice between full-length singles or a decadent double bed whilst the Mercedes chassis is renowned for its driving comfort and the optional fully automatic gearbox makes it the perfect base vehicle for a luxuriously specified flagship motorhome range.

