attribute icon Make
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Black Cab

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Derivative: S-Series 70 DK Wandahome Special Edition, Seats: 4,

We are delighted to introduce you to the Sun Living Wandahome Special Edition for 2025 Enjoy a cozy atmosphere and brilliant design for maximum comfort with minimal fuss. Clever layouts and convenient features blend great space with smart solutions… so you can relax from the moment you hit the road and every second that you spend inside. Pack what matters, and then some! Sun Living vehicles boast ample storage options. Spacious cabinets, generous wardrobes, under bed storage and even hidden floor compartments keep your essentials organised and easily accessible. The Sun Living 70 DK is a 6 berth family motorhome complete with fixed bunks to the rear. The specification on this vehicle is as follows.. 2.0L 165bhp Auto Agate Black Premium Pack Wandahome Exclusive…  Driver Assistance Pack Style Pack External Graphics Bed Coverlet Solar Panel Diesel Electric Heater 100L Freshwater 85L Wastewater 2 x 100ah Battery For further information on the Sun Living call 01430497510 today or 'enquire now' via our website and one of our representatives will be in touch. View the range of new and used motorhomes, campervans and caravans at Wandahome, South Cave. Please check with a member of the sales team that the details listed are correct and that the vehicle is still for sale before travelling.  While every effort has been made to ensure the details of this vehicle are correct, they may contain unintentional technical inaccuracies and typographical errors Wandahome, South Cave – Trading for over 70 years and based in East Yorkshire. Approved Sales Dealership for Adria, Bailey, Coachman, Fleurette, Giottiline, Swift and Westfalia. Visit our onsite accessory showroom with its large display or awnings, book a night on our campsite or store your vehicle on our CaSSOA approved storage facility.    


attribute icon Condition


attribute icon Fuel type


attribute icon Exterior

Black Cab

attribute icon Berth


attribute icon Seat Belts


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Derivative: S-Series 70 DK Wandahome Special Edition, Seats: 4,

We are delighted to introduce you to the Sun Living Wandahome Special Edition for 2025 Enjoy a cozy atmosphere and brilliant design for maximum comfort with minimal fuss. Clever layouts and convenient features blend great space with smart solutions… so you can relax from the moment you hit the road and every second that you spend inside. Pack what matters, and then some! Sun Living vehicles boast ample storage options. Spacious cabinets, generous wardrobes, under bed storage and even hidden floor compartments keep your essentials organised and easily accessible. The Sun Living 70 DK is a 6 berth family motorhome complete with fixed bunks to the rear. The specification on this vehicle is as follows.. 2.0L 165bhp Auto Agate Black Premium Pack Wandahome Exclusive…  Driver Assistance Pack Style Pack External Graphics Bed Coverlet Solar Panel Diesel Electric Heater 100L Freshwater 85L Wastewater 2 x 100ah Battery For further information on the Sun Living call 01430497510 today or 'enquire now' via our website and one of our representatives will be in touch. View the range of new and used motorhomes, campervans and caravans at Wandahome, South Cave. Please check with a member of the sales team that the details listed are correct and that the vehicle is still for sale before travelling.  While every effort has been made to ensure the details of this vehicle are correct, they may contain unintentional technical inaccuracies and typographical errors Wandahome, South Cave – Trading for over 70 years and based in East Yorkshire. Approved Sales Dealership for Adria, Bailey, Coachman, Fleurette, Giottiline, Swift and Westfalia. Visit our onsite accessory showroom with its large display or awnings, book a night on our campsite or store your vehicle on our CaSSOA approved storage facility.    

Brough Road, East Riding of Yorkshire - Show MAP


